Meet Betty!
12 August 2019Meet Betty!
Betty is a lovely 1960 2 door Morris Minor 1000, and she is in very good condition! She, along with a fleet of other classic Morris Minors, are available to be hired from our Social Enterprise Park House Barns. In partnership with Classic Car Hire North we run Morris Minor Tours in North Yorkshire. These cars are perfect for indulging in a nostalgic tour and are the finishing touches at weddings!
As well as creating opportunities for individuals to hire these cars, this service also helps to offer a variety of work placement roles for different levels of ability. The placements provided in this service allow individuals to gain valuable skills in:
• Cleaning and preparing the cars for hire
• Maintenance and repairs
• Administration, payment and bookings
• Customer service
To find out more about hiring our cars, or getting involved, please get in touch!
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