For over 38 years, we've been dedicated to empowering individuals to lead more independent lives.

Picture of individuals at home

Our Commitment 

Our unwavering commitment to delivering responsive and effective care is rooted in our values. These values form the foundation of our service, shaping every aspect of our approach.our-support-values-227.jpg

Living a Meaningful Life

We’re dedicated to helping individuals live independent, fulfilling, and healthy lives. By taking the time to truly understand each person we support, we build trusting relationships through active listening, open communication, and compassion. This person-centred approach enables us to provide effective, responsive support tailored to individual needs. 

Our Staff

Our dedicated staff teams share our ethos and family values, drawn to Autism Plus by a genuine desire to make an impact in someone's life.

They are trained to empower the people we support, helping to identify goals and interests, promoting long-term health and well-being and facilitating participation in hobbies, events and being a part of the local community. 

We prioritise comprehensive staff development, starting with a mandatory six week induction programme and the completion of the care certificate. Staff also undergo specialist training in areas such as physical interventions, (RRN approved) Autism, Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), safeguarding, sensory integration, mental health, REACH, communication and grooming awareness. Beyond initial training we offer ongoing learning and development opportunities including specialist courses and qualifications.

Day Opportunities

To enhance confidence and foster independent living skills, our Day Opportunities Service - Activity Choices provides support for work, leisure, social opportunities, and therapeutic interventions in Thorne, Doncaster.

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Residential Living

Specialised, more intensive support in the community in the market town of Thorne, near Doncaster.

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Supported Living

Support in your own home across Yorkshire and Humberside.

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Diverse and Complex Needs

Support solutions tailored for individuals with complex needs, challenging behaviors, and forensic backgrounds.

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When we say your donation is life changing, we mean it.

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