

Our Specialist Employment Team have supported Matt through a number of milestones over the last few years.

We helped him during a huge transition of moving home - first in making the decision and then everything that comes with a house move, from looking for the perfect place to call home to moving day and settling in. We have also supported Matt to pass his driving test and find voluntary work.

Our Employment Team specialise in helping people to find employment, but we understand that to do this people need confidence and belief in themselves, so we help people achieve their goals in all areas of their lives, not just employment.

Most recently Matt has passed Level 3 ACCA Accountancy qualification, we are so proud of how far he has come. It's not always been easy, but with our support he has persevered.

As well as his success at college we are delighted to announce that Matt has also recently started one day a week paid work in Autism Plus finance office.

What a journey, but such a distance travelled!

"Glad to see happy faces"

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