We began supporting Fabian for a few hours week as he needed help managing anxieties and depression.
Fabian has autism and a mental health condition, he wanted support to manage his anxieties and hoped to get a paid job. Our employment team helped Fabian to talk about his anxieties and found coping methods that helped to ease them. We then developed a person-centred plan focusing on Fabian's goals and aspirations, looking to the future and what he hoped to achieve.
Fabian told us he really wanted to find a paid job so we helped him to identify what type of work he would enjoy and what his skills were and then helped him to create a C.V. Fabian was delighted to begin applying for jobs, and within the first week he was offered four interviews.
To prepare for the interviews we worked with Fabian to increase his confidence in communicating, we talked about what usually happens at interviews and how best he could prepare for this. Although he was nervous Fabian attended the interviews and was offered a job in a restaurant! He has now worked there for over two years.
As well as finding a job, Fabian told us his ambition of gaining a qualification in graphic design. We helped him to apply to college and worked with him to embrace his skills and continue to manage his anxieties. Fast forward one year and Fabian passed his course with a distinction! He didn’t stop here, he decided to enrol at university to do a degree, again following his passion, in graphic design and modelling. He is still working at the restaurant, alongside his university course. Well done Fabian!
"We recommend everything. Went into Autism Plus Chocolate Shop and Cafe today for the first time. Lovely staff, lovely coffee, chocolates, cakes etc. This place deserves recognition. Helping young people with disabilities get into the wider world. Absolutely fantastic."
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