

Ashley received support from the Autism Plus Specialist Employment team, who worked closely with him to build his confidence and identify the type of volunteering opportunities he would be interested in.

Ashley is now volunteering in a local café, where he is slowly becoming accustomed to working with different chefs. He finds his job interesting and manageable. His his primary responsibility is to prepare boxes of cooked food that customers can either consume on the spot or store in their freezers. Ashley is enjoying being part of a team and working in a productive environment, and he is making a conscious effort to be punctual and efficient in his work.

Ashley said "Fiona, from the Autism Plus team, helped me find this volunteering opportunity, I'm so grateful for her support."

We are incredibly proud of Ashley and his achievements. 

"I never thought we would ever see (family member) choose shopping and put it in a trolley in the supermarket, or go to a carvery and get things put on their plate, but this is happening."

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