
Thriving At Work

Free support for businesses in North Yorkshire, York and East Riding for employees who are neurodiverse, or experiencing stress, mental health and anxiety in the workplace.   


Diversity Training

A mixture of webinars and in-depth training courses. This training looks at a range of issues relating to inclusive workplaces, and is a great way for staff to gain an understanding and awareness of the barriers some individuals may face.

This package is ideal for managers and employees.

Thriving at Work in North Yorkshire
Pathways in Sheffield 
Young adults aged 18-24 with SEND needs in Sheffi

Workplace Support

Our Workplace Support package contains specialist 1-2-1 coaching for individuals who are neurodiverse, disabled or are experiencing mental health challenges.

The support provided helps staff to overcome barriers they face within the workplace, and truly thrive at work.

This package is aimed towards employees.

Inclusive Workplace

This complete package of inclusive support has been created to help businesses understand the benefits of of creating an inclusive workplace where every staff member is supported to thrive.

This package is for SMEs based in York, North Yorkshire and East RidinFunding The Project

Thriving at Work is part-funded by the European Social Fund. It is supported locally with match-funding provided by North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and HEY Smile Foundation.

The project is led by Better Connect and delivered through a network of specialist partnerships - including us!

Blue Dolphin Holiday Park

Our Specialist Employment Coach Charlotte has been working with Blue Dolphin Holiday Park as part of Thriving at Work.

Take a look at the video to see how her and the employees at Blue Dolphin have been getting on!